Employer Branding

How to Optimize your Employer Branding Strategies in Aquaculture and Seafood?


In a recent post, we gave you a brief introduction to Employer Branding and its benefits. Now, what happens when you think you have Employer Branding Strategies in place, but they are actually not delivering you results? Remember as humans we have the ability to constantly evolve and revolutionize our environments. So how can you optimize your Employer Branding Strategies in the Aquaculture and Seafood industries?


Time. Capital. Resources. Dedication. And this is key. This does not mean you need to throw all your resources into implementing and improving these strategies. But you do need to commit to this. The first element you need to invest in is your social media. I do not think is necessary for me to address the role social media plays in our modern times. We are aware our social media – personal or professional- can either help or doom our opportunities.

Social Media Platforms provide people a free space to speak their minds and make a social presence for your organization, even if you do not actively perform one. So what should you do? Develop one. Take the chance to be in charge of the narrative. Make sure the image your organization has out there is one that shows how much of a great place to work your company is. Share your employees' testimonials. Give insight into what a day in the life of people in your organization is like. Own your social media presence by showing your true self. Then other people's narratives will just fall into place. This will help you optimize your Employer Branding strategies.

Be Genuine

One of the most important elements from our previous point lies in being true to yourself. Be true to your company's values and beliefs. You do not want to create a new persona or different masks. Back in 1956, Erving Goffman executed a theatrical analysis of human social interaction. According to Goffman, when an individual interacts with others, the individual will try to control the impressions others have of them by changing their ways. People put up acts just so others approve of them. However, putting up an act does not mean you are going to be lying, you are just delivering the right amount of information in your interactions. How is being genuine helping you optimize your Employer Branding Strategies?

If employees have an impression that your business tactics are genuine, then they will be satisfied with their jobs. Hence developing organizational identity and committing to the company. The way to show your employees your business tactics are genuine is by sticking to your values, experiences, and strengths. Once you are able to effectively communicate your ways to your employees and they feel aligned with these, their voices will make your message even louder. Of course, there is a bunch of trust you must rely upon your employees for them to be able to help you communicate your message to the rest of the world.

Your employees will always talk about their experiences in the workplace. It is in your hands to give them a great place to work, so what they say about you is always positive. Your employees are your first and best ambassadors.

Humanize your Processes

Sometimes when I talk about humanizing human processes I feel a bit redundant. Human interactions have an underlying -more like overlying- human side to them, right? Then, I listen to colleagues working at other organizations, or former classmates, and then I say, "Yeah employers definitely need to humanize their organizations and processes". But how can we do that? How to show you are human and optimize your Employer Branding Strategies?

We are inherently attracted to other people, other faces. Yeah, it is all good when you have a new logo with shiny rainbow colors. But is your message actually saying there is a face behind that brand new logo that cost you 5 digits? You need to develop and exhibit a brand with a personality that focuses on human relationships and the importance they have for your organization. Candidates seeing this, being offered closer communication to you and your organization, receiving advice and answers from you, will more likely be committed and engaged employees. However, if for some reason they do not become your employee, they will most likely recommend your organization to other job seekers and help you build your employer image.

Be reachable, for your employees and especially for your potential candidates. Show you are honest. Be authentic. Be Human.

Redesign your Recruitment Process

Sometimes it is difficult to admit we are having the wrong approach to a certain objective. And the truth is most mistakes start when you are looking for new talent. It all starts at defining who your ideal candidate is for each role. Then defining the role and job description with people that are directly involved in performing these or similar tasks. And now that most hands are on deck, make sure you establish a program in which current employees can advertise these positions in their networks and be rewarded for it. Remember your employees are your first and best brand ambassadors. If you motivate and encourage your employees to bring great talent, the company will move forward faster.

We talked about making the experience attractive for candidates. But the recruitment process also involves those candidates that for whatever reason fall off the pipeline. When applicants do not make the cut you need to let them know, not let them down. Show them the reasons why their application was not successful at this time and how they can improve this in order to reapply in the future if they would like to. Assure them their information is valuable and will remain in your records if that is their interest. This is probably the hardest part of the recruitment process, but you can always make them feel there is a human behind all this.

Want to Make it Simpler?

Developing the right employer branding is not a one-size-fits-all type of approach. And we believe every solution should and must be tailored to every organization's characteristics and needs. Employer Branding strategies are also never permanent and static, they should always be reviewed and improved over time. As humans are constantly evolving and changing their interests and perspectives. Designing a great Employer Branding program for companies in the Aquaculture and Seafood industries is one of our specialties as it determines the quality of the talent that will come to your door. Contact us today at AquacultureTalent, we will take the time to evaluate and assess your organization in order to give candidates, employees, and your organization, the best experience in the race for talent.