Employer Branding

Employer Branding to Attract Gen Z


Today's workforce is mainly formed by Boomers (1946-1964/6%), Gen-X (1965-1980/35%), and Millennials (1981-1994/40%). Centennials/Gen Z /Zoomers, however you want to call them, are starting to enter the world's workforce. These are the people who were born between 1995 and 2010, meaning the oldest of this generation is now at least 26 years old. As Boomers and Xers continue exiting the workforce due to various reasons, Millennials and Zoomers will keep gaining traction. Today's companies should focus their Employer Branding Strategies on retaining and attracting these two generations.

It is important to point out that each generation is different from the previous one. Millennials and zoomers grew up with the internet. And this is an important element in the relationship employers establish with them. Each generation has its own expectations, preferences, and needs, on every subject, and it is no different when it comes to employers. Zoomers basically gave a 180 turn compared to Millennials. Companies all around the world are still trying to understand this nascent generation. This new generation of workers is looking for holistic work experiences. Yes, they are looking for an employer that makes them feel comfortable and covers their needs, but there is so much more they are looking after. So, what are the necessary elements to design employer branding strategies to secure the new generations? Specifically to attract zoomers.

Learn your Target

We have talked about the importance of identifying and learning about who your target employees are. In order to design optimal Employer Branding Strategies for Gen Z job seekers, you need to walk in their shoes, basically. When compared to previous generations, this age group is well versed in virtual interaction. If you want to understand them, go on social media and research how are they using the different channels of communication. Evaluate the way they share information and how they connect with companies and potential employers. Remember Social Media is a great tool for Recruitment.

Technology and virtual social interactions are not "a plus" for this age group. It is rather the core of their identity. Make sure you have involvement across the platforms they mostly use. This way you will be able to show presence and paint a whole picture about who you and your employees are. Always embrace change and new technologies, because this is what they will be looking after most of the time.

Open your Mind

And show them. This generation has spent their time learning and understanding about each other. Totally thanks to globalized interactions on virtual channels. This has made them the most open-minded generation. But this open mind comes with a lot of things, of course. They have shown to be the most empathetic and tolerant generation. Companies saw this started happening with Millennials, however, Gen-Z has proven to be the most liberal. They consider themselves a generation of advocates and politically woke individuals.

Zoomers will be looking for an employer with meaningful and honest messages. A company that talks and proves inclusion. They are looking to embrace the differences among coworkers, so diversity is definitely something they value. Do not sell a perfect life or story, show yourself as you are, share your values as they have grown. This generation will be key to this continuous globalization in our industries.

Your Employee = Your Most Valuable Asset

I am not typing these lines out of my imagination. I actually took my time to get to know and interview some Zoomers so I could give you accurate information. Most of the individuals I spoke to about this subject told me they expect to be heard and taken into account. This includes having their opinions respected and addressed with honesty. But also having the company believe and invest in them. Like I said they are looking beyond salary and are focusing on how their career can grow. Helping them become better professionals.

This generation is extremely entrepreneurial. They will be looking for new things to do that help them optimize and improve their results. As an employer, you should then always offer the opportunity for innovation and growth. As well as the tools and resources to do so. Some employers even promote the development of personal projects under company time, as this will help their employees keep motivated.

Get your Culture Together

Gen Z all are about identity. Yes, they will of course work because there is compensation behind that. But they will be more driven to a company that is aligned with their personality, beliefs, and values. They are hungry for information and they will find it. These job seekers know which software and equipment you are using. They will find customers' and employees' reviews. They will find out everything about your organizational culture even before you consider calling them for a first interview.

This is the generation that more than any other has put companies to the test. And along with millennials are the ones that will allow organizations to grow on a human as well as on a business level. Do not be afraid of change. Change is our only constant as human beings. At AquacultureTalent we can help you design your Employer Branding Strategies that are a match to the next generation. We will always keep your needs in mind but our start point is what the talent wants and desires for their next gig. Contact us today, we will make sure to tailor a program that will ensure your employer brandtr success.