Inside Recruiting

Dealing with Failure – HR Development Capsules


When setting up a team we always aim and plan for success. But in reality, we need to be prepared for failure. And I do not mean as in set ourselves to failure, just be ready for it. It is not uncommon, although not ideal, that probably at least one time our team is not going to be successful. And that is okay, the key is in overcoming our obstacles and learn from them. So as a manager, leader, boss, which steps are crucial when dealing with failure? We brought you some tips today with our HR Development series.

Success and failure may have the same weight on a team. Failure allows them to work as a team and come out with a plan to recover and avoid making the same mistakes. Failing does not mean you can not achieve your goals, but teach you the different ways that won't get you there, until you find the one that does.

Accept It

Dealing with failure is not easy, however, it is a big learning opportunity. It is okay to come up with obstacles and roadblocks along our way to a goal. But we need to deconstruct what we are getting from that experience. The first thing we need to do in order to do so is separate ourselves from failure. Yes, we did not succeed this one time, but it does not mean we will keep failing. We should then ask ourselves what we are learning from this moment and design a plan to make sure we do not make the same mistakes.

If you feel disappointed, angry, or frustrated, understand these feelings are natural after adversities. Then allow yourself to feel them and embrace them. However, do not let your negative emotions control you, use them like a cannon to move on from the "failed state". Stop, take your time, take a deep breath and feel everything you are feeling, and understand those feelings. Stay calmed and focus on learning what went wrong.

It is important we go back through the whole process and study at which point we fail to listen or pay attention to the signs we were not down the right path. Also, it is important that you embrace failure at the early stages of your processes and ventures. Then innovate to not step on the same stones further on your business.

Provide Safety

We are all at all times at risk of failure, and it is possible it happens at any level of our business' hierarchy. As a leader or manager, you could make yourself responsible for your team's failures. By doing this you let your employees responsibilize for their mistakes and assisting them in making amends. You must help them learn from their mistakes. And walk alongside them to the right way. Walk them through the path of dealing with failure.

Show them that their failure does not put their job on the line. This is a big opportunity to strengthen trust among your team. When your employees trust you they will come to you at any stage they feel insecure and this way as a team you can avoid any mistake or failure that may be peeking down the horizon.

Make Amends

We have said it, making mistakes can be inevitable. However, it is important that you own it. Do not ignore your problems. Do not sweep them under the rug. Doing this will only cost you the trust you have worked so hard to earn. Address the issue with everyone involved and affected.

It is your duty to fix the results of your errors and assist your team to fix their mistakes as well. Cut the problem short and start working on solutions.

Keep Going

One important thing is to not give up. We have seen people give up after their first try did not come out as planned. I f you are really committed to succeeding in your plans and your business you will rise from the ashes and keep trying. Learn to handle failure in a way that encourages you and motivates you to do a lot better in the future.