Inside Recruiting

Are Your Employees Happy with your Organization?


Is your organization providing your employees with the right incentives? Are your employees satisfied with their roles? Is your organization offering good opportunities to employees? Can you as an organization do more for them? Is there a way in which you can determine your employees' organizational fulfillment? And if so, how can you improve their satisfaction with your organization? This is our topic today. As a business in the Aquaculture, Seafood, and Fisheries industries, you need to mainly take care of three things. Other than the fish, of course. Having the right providers, keeping your clients happy, and being a great place to work. And these three things are tightly connected.

How Can You Gauge Employee Satisfaction?

There are several ways by which you can determine your employees' satisfaction. Keep in mind, just because you don't hear them complaining or saying negative things, doesn't mean they are happy with their jobs. If your employees are not providing you any type of feedback or sharing with you their concerns, then there's very likely a lack of trust in your relationship. Measuring your employees' satisfaction is not an easy task. Here are some tools you can use:

Conduct anonymous surveys

If your employee is not happy with their job or the organization and they do not trust you enough to share this face to face, they will be happy if you provide an anonymous way to show this. These surveys are considered to be one of the best measuring methods. Make sure to include different topics in your surveys. Such as Management satisfaction and expectation, career growth, mental health, and interpersonal relationships within the organization. Constructing survey tools is not a job anyone can do. Make sure you have an expert in psychometry in order to build a good measuring tool.

Your survey must include open-ended, scales, and multiple-choice type of questions. Also, make sure the user experience is a comfortable one, your questions are not ambiguous, and avoid using double negatives. Make sure your survey is letting you collect as much qualitative and quantitative data as possible.

Use the ENPS

You can construct a survey that is specifically tailored to your organization and what you want to measure as I explained in the previous section. However, there are pre-built tools such as the ENPS (Employee Net Promoter Score). This score gives you the opportunity to see how your employees feel about the company, based on a single question. They must answer "on a scale of 0-10 how likely are you to recommend our company as a place to work".

The answers are then categorized into three groups: Promoters, passives, and detractors. Promoters are those who answer either 9 or 10, and they will provide you with valuable insight on what you are doing right. Passives responded either 7 or 8. They are not completely convinced about your company and you should focus efforts on turning them into promoters. The third group is made up of detractors. Those employees whose answers were between 0 and 6. They are not satisfied with the organization, will not recommend you to others, and are very likely to leave. From detractors, you get valuable information on what you are doing wrong, and what opportunities for improvement you have.

You should not use ENPS by itself. It is better when you include other tools such as a survey or face-to-face interviews. This will provide you with a more accurate and insightful view of how your employees feel. Measure your ENPS every quarter, and make sure it is improving as you change practices in the organization.

Meet Face to Face

You must only use this method if you have established a strong and trusting relationship with your employees. If that is not the case, then the information you collect from these meetings won't be reliable. These meetings will help you understand every employee's point of view, needs, and concerns. Do not push them too far, one-hour meetings every month or every other month will provide you with this insight. As well as with feedback on changes and transformations made from past meetings.

These meetings give you the opportunity to address employees' expectations, mental and emotional state, challenges they have faced. As well as understand the reasons certain employees are staying with you, how important their career growth is, and any change they want to do in their specific role.

What You Need to Do?

You have your employees' satisfaction levels. Now, what are you going to do with it? Are you just going to move on from it? they will feel like they wasted their time. Once you have collected an amount of data that is sufficient according to your organization's size, then you want to analyze it. After this, you will be able to design strategies that will assist you in the improvement of future measures and employee satisfaction. These changes and transformations must take place as soon as possible. This way your employees will see something is being done.