
Alaska association forecast estimates another Bristol Bay sockeye salmon strong harvest

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

According to last Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) forecast for upcoming sockeye salmon season, a 75.27 million run of sockeye is projected. Around 39% of that fish will come from Bristol Bay's Nushagak River District. This means a 75% more than most recent 10-year average harvest (34.2M) and 170% more thant the long-term average harvest fish (22.2M).

In addition, an inshore run of approximately 20.7 million sockeye salmon is expected for the Naknek-Kvichak District in 2022. Besides, Egegik River inshore run is forecast to be approximately 16 million and Togiak River sockeye salmon approximately 1.2 million.

Alaska processors asked for a solution for processing capacity issues. Their fear is not being able to harvest 60 million salmon usually available each summer.