
Aquaculture genetics group invests in breeding research team

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

The Center for Aquaculture Technologies (CAT), focused on aquatic animal genetics, invests in a breeding research team. Peter Kube, Jeffrey Prochaska, and Carlos Pulgarin will contribute to expanding innovative commercial breeding programs.


Firstly, Peter Kube, who has over seventeen years of experience in aquaculture genetics, said: "Data is the heart of applied breeding, the fuel for decisions. Collecting data and turning it into metrics helps growers find a balance between diversity and genetic improvement."

Further, Jeff Prochaska has nearly twenty years of experience coordinating the exchange of information between geneticists and breeders. So, he commented that data acquired from multiple generations "will pave the way for accelerated genetic improvement in stock. This is key to decreasing production cost and increasing profitability."

Finally, Carlos Pulgarín has provided technical support and farming advice to aquaculture producers for over twelve years. According to Pulgarín, dealing with different species, collecting, and analyzing breeding information "will allow CAT to help growers generate strains. This will create "great benefits to consumers and fewer production resources."

In addition to all this, Klara Verbyla, Director of Genomics and Breeding, concluded that Jeff, Carlos and Peter "will enable CAT to accelerate the ability to create real impact across the aquaculture sector through breeding."