
Sterner, the new RAS supplier of Scandinavia’s leading energy Fortum

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

Scandinavia's leading energy Fortum has chosen Sterner as its new recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) supplier. The two new RAS systems will help with the conservation of the fish populations in the Klarälven and Vänern water courses.

It will consist of 22 tanks with a diameter of 6m. Also, a brood fish department with 12 tanks each 8m in diameter.

In line with this, Brigitte Voss, Project Manager at Sterner, has expressed this is a "very exciting project for the company".

On the other hand, says Marco Blixt, Fisheries Manager at Fortum explained: "At Gammalkroppa, we have taken the next step and developed a climate-adjusted cultivation system for both salmon and trout."

Now, Fortum has a flow-through system at Gammalkroppa. From which 175,000 smolts are placed out into the Klarälven river and lake Vänern annually.

Finally, Blixt concluded: "In line with the company's focus on sustainability, we are working with population cultivation in rivers which have been used for water-generated power".

About Sterner

Sterner was established in 1990. Today, the Sterner Group has over 80 employees. It has operations in the Norwegian regions of Ski, Grenland, Bergen, and Leknes in Northern Norway.

Firstly, it specializes in technology for water purification and water treatment. The group has a leading position in Norway within RAS facilities and wellboat technology. As well as within the purification of drinking- and wastewater.

The parent company Sterner Group AS, owns the companies Sterner AS, Sterner Seafood AS, Sterner Solutions AS og Sterner Egypt AS. Total turnover in 2020 was NOK 156 million.

About Fortum

Fortum operates in 10 countries and has more than 20,000 employees worldwide. The concern operates an ambitious green strategy and is world-leading in renewable energies.

It delivers electricity to almost 100,000 customers in Norway. Besides, it is the leading energy provider in Sweden where the RAS system will be constructed.