
Sanford’s Bold $30 Million Investment

Ruben Jørgensen

Sanford Limited is making a significant investment in a state-of-the-art vessel for harvesting scampi in the Southern Ocean. With its advanced design, efficient operation, and commitment to environmental sustainability, this vessel is set to become a leading example for future fishing vessels.

The CEO, Peter Reidie, stated that this vessel will represent a huge leap forward in resilient vessel design, allowing the company to operate in even the most demanding conditions. The expected cost of this vessel is a whopping $30 million, with construction set to take place in the Netherlands, and delivery anticipated in 2025.

Render of the new vessel (front)
Render of the new vessel (top)

This vessel will not only be built for durability, but also for environmental sustainability. It will be powered by low emission diesel/electric systems and incorporate other innovative features to minimize its environmental impact. The vessel aligns with Sanford's ambitious goal to reduce its direct operations' carbon footprint by 25% by 2030.

According to Sir Robert McLeod, Chairman of Sanford, this investment demonstrates the company's dedication to strengthening its core business and raising the bar for efficiency and environmental performance in its fleet.

About Sanford Limited

Sanford Limited is a seafood company that specializes in the harvesting, farming, processing and marketing of seafood products. They have a presence in both New Zealand and Australia, and their products are exported to various regions such as Europe, North America, China and the Pacific Islands.