
MIVALI against Aeromas Salmonicida in turbot

Carmen Halpin

"Development of microencapsulated vaccines against Aeromonas salmonicida in turbot" (MIVALI) is the name of the project that has been initiated in Spain by the Technological Center of the Aquaculture Cluster (CETGA), in collaboration with Stolt Sea Farm, Cenavisa, and the University of A Coruña to fight against the bacteria.

The Aeromonas salmonicida is a bacteria that causes hemorrhages in the muscles of the fish and swelling of the animal's skin. Thus, the fish suffering may begin to experience bleeding in the feces. Life expectancy with this disease has a maximum period of 2 to 3 days. Consequently, this means significant losses in production.

For this reason, MIVALI is focus on the development of new prototypes of vaccines. The idea is to improve the survival against Aeromonas salmonicida in turbot.

Thus, preventing the disease is a key part of the market. Over 90% of the turbot consumed in the world comes from aquaculture. In Europe, the main turbot-producing country is Spain, precisely Galicia, where nearly 70% of the total European production comes from.

The project carry out by CETGA, Stolt Sea Farm, Cenavisa, and Univ. da Coruña will run until October 2026, in which the Spanish Government and European Union are too.