
Francisca Rojas assumes the general manager role at Magallanes Salmon Farmers Association

Carmen Halpin

Francisca Rojas Philippi is the new general manager of the Magallanes Salmon Farmers Association, the association that brings together the main salmon-producing companies in the region: Blumar, Australis, AquaChile, Multi X, and Cermaq.

After hearing the news in the media, Rojas explained that this was the beginning of a long road with the industry. "My seal will be to strengthen the link between salmon farming and the community and bring it closer to the people of Magallanes. In the Region, we know the importance of the sector for the generation of jobs and to grow our economy in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way."

Francisca Rojas has valuable industry experience. She is an agricultural engineer and holds a diploma in Environment and Land Management from the Universidad de Chile. Rojas has worked in both the public and private sectors in various positions and has also conducted research for international organizations such as the World Bank.

Furthermore, among her positions, he also served as Seremi of National Assets of the Magallanes Region between 2018 and 2022. A role that consists of the development of relevant milestones for a better administration of the fiscal territory. Among them, are the Magallanes Salmon Farmers Association and the Regularization Program.

About Magallanes Salmon Farmers Association

The Magallanes Salmon Farmers Association aims to elevate the Magellanic salmon to new standards and promote its role as a driver of development. With over 3,500 workers, the guild represents affiliated companies and advocates for the local salmon farming sector. Their mission is to foster sustainable and efficient salmon farming practices through transparent actions and responsible engagement. For that reason, they actively seek to generate agreements, projects, and initiatives that harmonize salmon farming with their mission.