Arnarlax sea farm top view boat




Arnarlax salmon license in Ísafjarðardjúp is granted

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

The Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority (MAST) has granted Arnarlax an operating license for 10,000 tonnes maximum allowed biomass of sterile salmon, on 3 new sites in Ísafjarðardjúp.

According to MAST, the carrying capacity assessment of Ísafjarðardjúp is estimated at 30,000 tonnes and the risk assessment permits the genetic mixing of 12,000 tonnes of maximum biomass of fertile salmon in the Ísafjörður Deeps.

Because the Authority has already allocated 12,000 tonnes of maximum in the Deeps, Arnarlax's operating license, FE-1178, will permit 10,000 tonnes of sterile salmon.

Regarding this achievement, CEO Bjørn Hembre expressed: "We are glad that finally, this process has reached its finish line. We are excited about this increase in our license portfolio of 43%, and the opportunities this gives us for further sustainable growth."

Also, the operation is subject to an Environment Agency of Iceland (UST) operating license. Arnarlax had to undergo an environmental impact assessment by the Environmental Impact Assessment Act.

A total license capacity of 33,700 tonnes

In March, MAST and UST authorities advertised the license and Icelandic Salmon's subsidiary confirmed that it will have a total license capacity of 33,700 tonnes, divided into 23,700 tonnes of fertile salmon in Arnarfjörður, Patreks, and Tálknafjörður, and 10,000 tonnes of sterile salmon in Ísafjörður.

During the Icelandic Salmon's Q4 2023 presentation, Hembre highlighted the appointment of Linda Gunnlaugsdottir as Arnarlax's new CSO as a milestone within the sales and marketing department.