Students from the Administration and Natural Resources areas visiting Australis Seafoods facilities located in Puerto Varas.


Universidad Santo Tomás


Australis Seafoods collaborates with Chilean university to promote salmon farming inclusion

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

The Universidad Santo Tomás Puerto Montt in Chile has signed an agreement with Australis Seafoods for students to undertake internships and put their acquired knowledge into practice.

According to Eugenio Larraín Hernández, rector of Santo Tomás Puerto Montt, the breadth of creating an internship and practice plan that is presented is "very beneficial" for the students.

The institution has already collaborated with other companies, public entities, and organizations. The rector explained how these agreements allow students to explore different job opportunities and learn from experienced professionals in the field they will work in.

Additionally, Australis Seafoods Manager of People and Corporate Affairs, Josefina Moreno Tudela, noted: "Our commitment is to be a good neighbor, which is why we develop these collaboration plans with the communities surrounding our operations."

This agreement is part of the Semillero program, which aims to encourage the incorporation of young talent into the salmon farming industry, providing them with initial exposure.

Students have already visited the company's Administration and Natural Resources areas in Puerto Varas. Consequently, Rodrigo Mancilla Galea, a second-year Veterinary and Livestock Production Technician student, expressed this visit was "very positive".

Also in school

The government of Chile is also committed to promoting seafood products in schools. For this reason, Subpesca and the National Board of School Aid and Scholarships (Junaeb) presented the 'Del Mar a Tu Escuela' (From the Sea to Your School) agreement 10 days ago.

Through this agreement, the relationships between these institutions will also be strengthened through technical collaboration, study projects, diagnostics, exchanges, and assistance in their areas of common interest.