Cermaq Canada operation in Ahousaht Territory, west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. This would be one of the salmon farms whose license is included in the immediate 6-year renewal request made by CAIA and CFA.


Photo: Cermaq.


Canada's Prime Minister urged to immediately renew BC salmon farming licenses

Marta Negrete

"We urge you to support an immediate renewal of 6-year salmon farming licenses for the remaining farms in coastal BC." So ends the letter that the industry - it is signed by the presidents of the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance (CAIA) and the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA-FCA) - has sent to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Previously, the leaders of the associations representing the salmon farming sector in the country reminded Trudeau of his government's commitment to a blue economy in Canada but also that "the world has changed since the original transition commitment in 2019," and how the disappearance of salmon farms could affect not only the communities where they are located but British Columbia and the entire country.

A responsible, realistic, and achievable plan

In February we learned the proposed overhaul to marine finfish aquaculture regulations in Canada could include longer duration for salmon farming licenses in BC. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans had undertaken a review of the proposed changes, and the idea was that these would be implemented by July 2024.

"We understand that there are important discussions taking place on the future of British Columbia salmon farming," the sector now says in the letter the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance - supported by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture - has sent to the Prime Minister as the time to implement the changes draws near.

"We want to remind you that your commitment is to develop a “responsible” plan," it continues, while also recalling that Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, has also said she is looking to present a plan that is realistic and achievable.

"We believe, as we believe that you do as well, that in the midst of an affordability crisis, “responsible” means achieving greater domestic food affordability and security, jobs and the health of Canadian families and communities, including key First Nations partners who choose to have salmon farming in their traditional territories," the letter points out.

Further reduction of Canadian grown salmon will increase prices for Canadians

As the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance and the Canadian Federation of Agriculture highlight in their letter, salmon aquaculture is highly regulated in Canada. Despite this, they point out, the sector has achieved a milestone of 100% of remaining farm production under agreement with local rights-holder First Nations whose communities depend on the sustainable future of these farms. "This should be recognized and celebrated," they say.

CAIA and CFA-FCA acknowledge that British Columbians have made it clear that their primary concerns are access to affordable housing, affordable food and access to doctors, not salmon aquaculture. However, they also note "any further reduction of Canadian grown salmon in a supply-constrained global salmon market will increase prices for Canadians for their favourite seafood choice and ensure that the supply is foreign product."

Jobs, inflation and overall affordability are other major concerns of Canadians and British Columbians. Given that, the letter remarks that the salmon sector in British Columbia has already declined by 40% since 2020.

"Small coastal communities cannot afford any further job reductions," it claims. And continues, "Many of the thousands of jobs dependent on a strong salmon farming sector are in remote locations and in Indigenous communities where there are few other employment opportunities."

Six-year licenses, the minimum signal needed

As the industry sees it, the responsible, realistic and achievable path forward is to continue to follow peer-reviewed science and improve industry management to drive further investment in technology and innovation with the goal of further reducing unacceptable risks to wild salmon.

"Six-year licenses – a single cycle for planning and production – is the minimum signal needed to ensure the sustainability of these farms, and the only path to hundreds of millions of dollars in investment in the badly hurting BC economy."

Likewise, the industry reminds the Prime Minister the world has changed since the original commitment to transition in 2019. A global COVID pandemic, wars in Ukraine and the Middle East with the resulting disruptions they cause to supply chains, or another election cycle in the U.S. that could produce an uncertain outcome for Canadian trade, are some of the changes listed in the letter. Changes to which "the ongoing challenge of climate change" is added.

"Your government has committed to a blue economy, to evidence-based decision-making, to Indigenous economic reconciliation and partnership in natural resource industries and to addressing the affordability crisis," the letter says. "The responsible path must include a vibrant BC salmon farming sector," continues. As mentioned at the beginning, it concludes by urging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to support an immediate renewal of 6-year salmon farming licenses for the remaining farms in coastal BC.