Njord Kya AS is a related party of a shareholder in Måsøval (Frøy Kapital).


Måsøval AS


Måsøval acquires Njord Aquashipping wellboat solution

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

Måsøval Service AS, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Måsøval AS, has signed a time charter agreement with Njord Kya AS, a subsidiary of Njord Aquashipping AS, to acquire the wellboat 'MS Njord Kya'.

'MS Njord Kya' is already under construction and is expected to be operational by the end of 2024. The term of the charter party is 3 years with options of 2 x 2 years.

The Norwegian salmon farming company chose this option due to its competitive price, status as a new build, and compliance with the required specifications and needs. Finally, it conducted a solid tender process as the chosen provider is a related party of a shareholder in Måsøval (Frøy Kapital).

In addition to having a vacuum system, 'MS Njord Kya' ensures additional capacity and new technical features, such as combination treatments with freshwater and Thermolicer continuously and without bottlenecks.

Just three days ago, Måsøval AS confirmed through a statement that the process of acquiring Mowi's harvesting facility at Ulvan Hitra Municipality was completed.