This initiative will monitor protected marine fauna that has suffered injuries and illnesses.


Servicio Nacional de Pesca y Acuicultura


Chile relies on Safari Conservation Foundation to protect marine fauna

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

The Chilean Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (Sernapesca) and the Safari Conservation Foundation have signed a collaboration agreement for the 'Month of the Sea' activities. Through this partnership, the foundation will provide veterinary care and diagnoses, and work on protected marine fauna rehabilitation rescued or seized by the Service.

In more detail, this initiative will monitor protected marine fauna that has suffered injuries and illnesses, whether for natural or anthropogenic reasons. Moreover, professionals from the Foundation will take samples for study or research and do necropsies on dead specimens.

Regarding this partnership, the National Director of Sernapesca Soledad Tapia Almonacid said: "We have taken in nearly 100 animals that have been rescued, including penguins, sea lions, and even sea turtles, and therefore, being able to collaborate with Safari Conservation and strengthen our ties is of utmost relevance for the protection and conservation of our marine fauna."

On the other hand, Diego Peñaloza, President of the Safari Conservation Foundation, indicated: "We have facilities to care for reptiles, mammals, and seabirds; and together with the rescues carried out by the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service, we can give these animals another chance, often injured by anthropogenic causes."

Finally, Sernapesca will support the Foundation's educational initiatives. Also, it will promote the rehabilitation work carried out by the institution based in Rancagua, Central Chile.