Ocean 14 Capital Fund I reaches hard cap of €200 million providing transformative investment into the global ‘Blue Economy’.


Photo: Ocean 14 Capital.


Ocean 14 Capital blue economy fund reaches its €200 million target

Louisa Gairn

Ocean 14 Capital Fund I, an impact fund focused on driving a sustainable and regenerative blue economy, has successfully closed at EUR 201 million, private equity growth firm Ocean 14 Capital has announced.

Launched in 2020, and guided by the United National Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water, the fund aims to support projects which enhance ocean health through sustainable and regenerative practices.

This includes aquaculture, alternative proteins, reduction of plastic waste, protection of marine ecosystems, and ending overfishing.

The fund's investment portfolio includes Netherlands land-based yellow tail farmer The Kingfish Company, Indian aquaculture technology and fintech startup AquaExchange, and Scottish fish health diagnostics startup Wellfish Tech.

Recently, the Ocean 14 Capital Fund I has attracted significant investment from major institutions including Nestlé, HQ Capital, and The Green Earth Impact Fund managed by Schroders and BlueOrchard.

Capital needed to transform the blue economy

“The world’s oceans have suffered from overfishing, pollution, and climate change, resulting in the dramatic loss of marine habitats. That’s why we are delighted to collaborate with the Ocean 14 Capital Fund I, a visionary partner that is at the forefront of exploring this field," said Dan Smith, Head of Nestlé Purina’s Global Business Unit, in a press announcement.

“Oceans are the critical life-support system for life on earth. The ocean provides half the oxygen we breathe, it absorbs half the carbon, it feeds the world, it employs hundreds of millions of people. If it’s not functioning it will be game over for humanity. Institutions are now awakening to the fact that we need to overhaul the capital market to stand a chance of averting the climate crisis,” said Chris Gorell Barnes, co-founder of Ocean 14 Capital Limited.

"It’s a huge testament to the team and their strategy that in this environment, they have obtained investment from like-minded investors who share the desire to make a difference – to help preserve a flourishing ocean, maintain precious marine ecosystems, and protect global food security across the globe," he continued.

"Looking forward, the most sustainable businesses will be the most valuable so this is an exciting investment opportunity encapsulating innovation and technology to create truly transformational businesses,” Gorell Barnes added.