"I know the projects require a lot of resources in the municipalities, and I hope that the support we provide will be helpful," said Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Marianne Sivertsen Næss commenting on municipal youth fishing projects.


Photo: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries of Norway.


More than NOK 2 million for municipal youth fishing projects in Norway

Marta Negrete

Last week we learned that the Norwegian Government had decided to continue with the 'Youth Fishing Program 2024'. Now, the Ministry of Fisheries and Oceans has reported that, in addition, it will allocate more than NOK 2 million (EUR 170.277 / USD 183.058) to support also municipal projects that make it easier for young Norwegians to try their luck in fishing.

24 municipalities will receive grants

According to data provided by the Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Oceans, last year 242 young people from 17 municipalities had summer jobs in the fisheries sector through municipal projects. This was more than twice as many as in 2022 when 112 young people from 7 municipalities participated.

This year the number has increased again, and 24 municipalities have applied for support that will allow a total of 330 young Norwegians to try fishing as a profession. These municipal projects are in addition to the 'Youth Fishing Program 2024', which gives young between 12 and 25 years the opportunity to become fishermen during the summer vacations and sell catches of up to NOK 50,000 (EUR 4,218 - USD 4,501).

"It's great to see that so many municipalities want to invest in these projects," said the new Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Marianne Sivertsen Næss. "I know the projects require a lot of resources in the municipalities, and I hope that the support we provide will be helpful," she added.

Grants will be distributed according to the jobs created

As for how the more than NOK 2 million in grants will be distributed, Fisheries and Oceans Norway has said that there will be some changes this year. In 2023, all municipalities received the same commitment amount, however, there were large variations in the number of participants in the different towns.

As an example, the Ministry pointed out that, although on average there were 14 young municipal fishermen in each locality, last year it was the case that in one municipality 88 young people had summer jobs and in another, there were only three participants. Therefore, in their reports last year, some of the municipalities asked that priority be given to those municipalities that create more fishing jobs for young people.

"We have listened to the feedback from the municipalities and have chosen to provide support based on a graded solution," said Marianne Sivertsen Næss. "The municipality offering 50 places receives the most support, and the amount is adjusted according to how many youths the municipality can accommodate. All municipalities that want to carry out the project receive support."

Youth fishing is important for recruitment

This active listening to feedback from the municipalities has also been reflected in some changes in the rules. As of this year, like in the 'Youth Fishing Program 2024', youth fishing organized by municipalities will also allow the capture of non-regulated species such as velvet crab or anglerfish, for example.

"As for the regular youth fishing scheme, we have also adjusted the regulation this year to include unregulated species. This will make it easier for municipalities to provide a good offer to the youths," explained the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.

In addition to earning some money, the ultimate goal of this initiative is to offer young Norwegians an introduction to fishing as a career option. As Minister Sivertsen Næss emphasized last week, both the fishing industry and the coast need young skilled individuals. "Summer jobs are for many young people their first encounter with the labor market, and the experiences they gain can open their eyes to the opportunities in the fishing industry. Youth fishing is important for recruitment," she stated.