Subpesca and Gore Los Lagos formalize the creation of historic public and private working groups for artisanal fishing.




The Chilean public and private sectors join forces to strengthen artisanal fishing

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

With the creation of the 'Benthic Table' and 'Demersal Table', the Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture (Subpesca) and the Regional Government of Los Lagos in Chile aim to strengthen artisanal fishing and promote sustainable sector development.

Before, the artisanal fishermen in the region expressed their desire to have working groups to coordinate efforts between the public and private sectors.

'We are contributing $4.9 billion, both from the central level with the National Institute for Sustainable Development of Artisanal Fishing and Small-Scale Aquaculture (INDESPA) and from the Regional Government, which will effectively allow us to develop actions to promote the productive activities of the sector,' detailed the Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Julio Salas.

In this way, added the governor of Los Lagos, Patricio Vallespín, a permanent work agreement is being fostered: "We are starting with a work agreement, with a concrete project of more than $4.9 billion: $2.9 billion from the Regional Government and $2 billion from INDESPA".

Improve competitiveness and sustainability

First, the Benthic Resources Table will work to strengthen benthic artisanal fishing, ensuring the implementation of proposals aimed at its development and competitiveness."

Then, the Demersal Resources Working Group will focus on improving the competitiveness and sustainability of the artisanal fishing sector for demersal species, addressing productive, economic, and social challenges.

Also, the program includes fishing ports infrastructure development, productive diversification, the replacement of equipment to improve efficiency and safety in fishing operations, and the implementation of renewable energy.

Finally, actions are planned to mitigate negative interactions between species and fishermen, as well as a pilot program for the replacement of vessels.

Last summer, Subpesca and National Board of School Aid and Scholarships (Junaeb) presented Del Mar a Tu Escuela (From the Sea to Your School in English) agreement to promote the supply of marine products from artisanal fishermen in Chilean schools.