The Centre for Sustainable Seafood builds on UHI Shetland’s 30 years of experience in fisheries, marine spatial planning, and aquaculture.


Photo: UHI Centre for Sustainable Seafood.


New "cutting-edge" seafood research centre launches in Shetland, Scotland

Louisa Gairn

The University of Highlands and Islands (UHI) has today inaugurated its new Centre for Sustainable Seafood in Shetland, in a bid to "advance the understanding of what sustainability means in the context of seafood".

Formally launched by renowned fisheries scientist Professor Ray Hilborn of the University of Washington, the new centre will work in partnership with industry and other stakeholders, providing independent expertise to support the seafood industry in Scotland and beyond, with its activities "driven by the needs of the seafood sector".

Professor Ray Hilborn formally launched the new Centre for Sustainable Seafood in Shetland on 29 April 2024.

Education and training targeted for the seafood sector

Announcing the launch, UHI said that the new Centre plans to collaborate closely with a variety of key stakeholders to co-create research, develop educational programs, and inform policy based on real-world knowledge and expertise.

It will also provide science-based, credible education and training to support the sustainable seafood sector and to fill gaps in skills and knowledge.

“The Centre for Sustainable Seafood will be a unique centre that will provide credible, robust, and targeted science, education, and training to meet the needs of a sustainable seafood sector," said UHI Shetland Principal and CEO Professor Jane Lewis.

There could be nowhere better for this endeavour than Shetland. This is a place central to the UK’s seafood story: both steeped in fishing heritage and proudly possessing a vital, modern fleet and a thriving aquaculture sector.
Mike Cohen, National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations

Industry stakeholders welcome "academic rigour" applied to sustainable seafood

The new Centre was also welcomed by key Scottish seafood industry representatives, including Tavish Scott, the CEO of Salmon Scotland, and Mike Cohen of the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations.

“Food security, growing the economy and sustainable sources of protein with low carbon impacts have never been more important. That is why this initiative is so significant," Scott said in a press statement.

"Sustainable Seafood is the blue economy and salmon from Shetland and Scotland is both the UK’s no 1 food export and the most popular fish with domestic consumers. The new Centre needs to articulate why sustainable seafood is so important using facts, evidence and data. The sooner the Centre is up and running the better,” Scott added.

"The NFFO is delighted to support the opening of the Centre for Sustainable Seafood," said Cohen, adding: "UHI’s well-deserved reputation for intellectual independence and academic rigour will be a welcome addition the often-clouded field of seafood sustainability."

"Surely, too, there could be nowhere better for this endeavour than Shetland. This is a place central to the UK’s seafood story: both steeped in fishing heritage and proudly possessing a vital, modern fleet and a thriving aquaculture sector. I hope that it will inspire the work of this new centre for many years to come," he added.