The Secretary General of Fisheries, Isabel Artime, at the Annual Assembly of the National Federation of Provincial Associations of Retail Entrepreneurs of Fish and Frozen Products (Fedepesca).


Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación


Spain bets on traditional fishmongers to promote fish consumption

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

The General Secretary of Fisheries of Spain, Isabel Artime, has emphasized the role of traditional fishmongers in promoting fish consumption during the National Federation of Provincial Associations of Retail Entrepreneurs of Fish and Frozen Products (Fedepesca) celebrated on Monday in Valencia.

In more detail, Artime explained that traditional fishmongers play an "important role as influencers" in informing and educating consumers about the nutritional benefits of fish, how to prepare it, the optimal time to purchase it, and the importance of choosing sustainable options.

To promote consumption both inside and outside households, the organization carried out the advertising campaign 'Foods from Spain', in which the promotion of fishery and aquaculture products was the key point.

Also, the campaign 'An Infinite Country in Seafood Products and Recipes' seeks to raise awareness about fishermen's hard work.

On the other hand, she has mentioned the 'Digitization of the Traditional Fishmonger Ecosystem' project, funded by the EU Next Generation program and with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

The Secretary General of Fisheries and Fedepesca

The Secretary General of Fisheries will provide fishing associations with 550,000 euros (as in the two previous years). Fedepesca has been granted 50,000 euros.

According to Artime, entities like Fedepesca can ensure generational turnover or digitization and modernization actions to adapt to new technologies.

Finally, she will meet the National Federation of Fishermen's Guilds, as well as with the provincial federations of the fishing sector in the Valencian Community.