Peru seeks to promote and develop incentives for the circular economy approach in both, aquaculture and fisheries. Photo: Produce.

Peru to strengthen circular economy in fisheries and aquaculture

Marta Negrete

Through Supreme Decree No. 011-2023-PRODUCE, Peru's Ministry of Production (Produce) approved the roadmap to promote actions leading towards a circular economy for the fisheries and aquaculture industries. "This supreme decree marks a milestone in Peru's transition towards more sustainable and responsible practices, aligning with global efforts for the development of productive activities," assured Produce in the announcement of the measure.

In the next 60 working days - counted from yesterday, December 19 - Produce will approve the action plan to implement the approved roadmap. It will outline the steps and strategies for effectively adopting this sustainable model. "This plan will be key to guide those involved in the transition to more sustainable and responsible practices," assured the Peruvian government.

To implement circularity in the seafood industry, Produce will promote collaboration between the public and private sectors and civil society, encouraging sustainable practices throughout the value chain.

The change sought by Peru's Ministry of Production will involve a more efficient and sustainable management of marine resources, covering the entire value chain from extraction to processing and distribution of fishery and aquaculture products. Produce highlighted that the new circular approach "not only reduces environmental impact but also boosts innovation, economic development, and the creation of green jobs."

"This initiative seeks to promote and develop incentives for the circular economy approach in the fishing and aquaculture activity. To this end, it seeks to foster collaboration between the public, private, and civil society sectors, encouraging the adoption of sustainable practices throughout the value chain," Produce said.

Among other activities, the roadmap also includes plans for training and the exchange of knowledge and experiences that are fundamental for the successful implementation of the circular economy. Produce's General Directorate of Environmental, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Affairs will be the body in charge of monitoring and supervision to ensure compliance with all of them.