
ASC’s Supervisory Board welcomes Margret Thalwitz

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

And five new members

ASC's Supervisory Board has welcomed several new members, including a new chair, Margret Thalwitz. According to the organism, she has decades of experience in academia and organizations such as the World Bank.

Before, she was a consultant on development strategy. Also, a Senior Fellow at the Centre for Global Cooperation Research. Further, a member of the Board of Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research and several of its associate institutions.

Thalwitz has said that chairing the board of the ASC is a "great honor". Besides she noted that the principal goal of ASC is to further scale up responsible aquaculture. "Supporting the ASC team in its efforts to ensure environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and successful market expansion is a challenge that I will cherish," she added.

On the other side, CEO of ASC, Chris Ninnes stated: "Margret brings much knowledge and experience to the role of chair. She joins at an exciting time for ASC. I'd like to welcome Margret and all the new board members."

The Board has also recently welcomed five new members; Elton Mudyazvivi, (Programme Manager, 4 Returns Partnership), Sophie Ryan (CEO, Global Salmon Initiative), Kristin Veriga (CEO,, Bushra Malik (Governance Consultant, Chair of Oversight Committee of UNAIDS and Vice-Chair of the UNHCR's Independent Audit and Oversight Committee) and Rohana Subasinghe (Co-Founder/Director, FUTUREFISH).

For example, in March, ASC has launched its largest public-facing marketing campaign ever that emphasizes local-market promotions.

About ASC's Supervisory Board

ASC's Supervisory Board provides support to ASC's senior leadership team by providing scrutiny to the organisation's developments, for example by signing-off new or revised ASC standards. It is made up of a diverse group of members representing academia, NGOs, and industry.

Supervisory Board members can serve two consecutive three-year terms. Margret has taken over from outgoing chair Scott Nichols. He has come to the end of his second term on the Board.

"One of ASC's strengths is our multi-stakeholder approach, and our new Supervisory Board members reflect this with their wealth of experience across sectors and from very different backgrounds," Ninnes conluded.