
Nordic Halibut and Skretting, a partnership for a sustainable future

Carmen Halpin

Nordic Halibut has signed a three-year contract with halibut feed supplier Skretting. The collaboration of both companies is expected to provide stability and predictability for feed supply, which is crucial for Nordic Halibut's sustainable growth plan.

The idea of the agreement is to create a more sustainable feed. The extensive experience of Skretting with halibut feed, and also nutritional knowledge together can develop an even more sustainable feed.

Edvard Henden, CEO of Nordic Halibut, said that the only way to achieve sustainable development is cooperation. Also adds about Skretting's collaboration that will help them to optimize the feed by offering a quality product with a minimal footprint.

Nordic Halibut endeavors to maintain a high level of performance in the company's ESG areas (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and to establish ambitious ESG targets to maintain sustainable production and enhance local communities. Advantageously, both companies have their installations closer, which helps to minimize supply risk and reduce the environmental impact of transportation.

It's not the first time both enterprises work together. For several years they have been developing sustainable products with precise nutrition that are specialized for halibut, but now it's the time to work on the next generation of halibut feed. The following step is an ambitious plan that will take place in 2026. In which the first phase will try to achieve 4.500 tonnes Head-On-Gutten (HOG) -a fisheries production measure.

Part of their goals has been reflected in close-future plans in terms of quality and sustainability. For instance, they choose to enter a new three-year partnership that ensures sufficient high-quality feed supply towards their production targets in 2026.

About Skretting

The head office is in Stavanger, Norway, and is a division of Nutreco. Skretting is the global leader in providing innovative and sustainable nutritional solutions and services for the aquaculture industry. This Norwegian company has production facilities on five continents and manufactures and delivers high-quality feeds a lot of species. The total annual production volume of feed is more than 2 million tons.

About Nordic Halibut

Nordic Halibut AS is one of the world's leading producers of farmed Atlantic halibut, specifically sushi-grade. This Norwegian company has licenses to produce 4,500 tons per year of Atlantic halibut and continues to increase the numbers.