
Luis Planas, the Spanish Minister, is the next president of the European Council

Carmen Halpin

Luis Planas, Spain's Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food, took over the presidency of the Council of the European Union from Sweden yesterday, June 27, in Luxembourg, with a start date of July 1. Thus, Peter Kullgren, the Swedish Minister of Rural Affairs, will finally leave his post. Spain has now taken on the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the fifth time.

In his speech, the Minister referred to some of the major strategies of the Spanish Government for the next six months. Among the proposals, the opening up of strategic autonomy stands out, as well as the ecological transition and environmental adaptation. Both of these are two of the hot debates on the European agenda.

Likewise, after clarifying his strategy in Spain, Planas explained that these issues will be part of its strategy at the European level. In addition, he also added other fundamental subjects, such as the debates on agriculture, livestock and fisheries, and aquaculture, reinforcing the role of the Common Fisheries Policy, the recognition of the strategic role of fisheries and aquaculture in food security, and the establishment of multiannual Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for certain species.

About The European Agriculture and Fisheries Council

The Agriculture and Fisheries Council convenes ministers from EU Member States to discuss legislation concerning food, rural development, and fisheries management. European commissioners also participate in these sessions, addressing challenges such as environmental sustainability.

This Council legislates about fisheries policy. These includes the establishment of TACs and annual quotas for each species, and the allocation of fishing opportunities. A key challenge is to make fishing more environmentally sustainable and economically viable while addressing issues such as overfishing and fleet capacity.