<div class="paragraphs"><p>Norwegian salmon.</p></div>

Norwegian salmon.


Norwegian Seafood Council


Pure Norwegian Seafood, majority-owned by Måsøval, sold frozen salmon not suitable for human consumption

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

An "independent and thorough" investigation, carried out by EY and reported by Måsøval, has concluded that Pure Norwegian Seafood (PNS) sold frozen salmon not suitable for human consumption, according to Norwegian regulations.

In more detail, Måsøval has explained that these sold fish include discarded/ensiled fish, or production-graded fish that should be elaborated in secondary processing before export.

The Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) was notified in early November, and communication with the authority has been maintained throughout the investigation.


In June 2021 Måsøval AS acquired a 65% stake in PNS, a processing and sales company in Averøy. PNS provides primary processing services for Måsøval, and market export and sells Måsøval fish to its customers.

Even though regulatory checks and audits happened before with positive results, Måsøval, as a supplier to PNS, "became suspicious of irregularities at PNS on October 20, 2023," the company has alerted.

"Through Måsøval's board representatives in PNS, immediate action was taken through board instructions to completely halt the irregular activity, freeze storage was sealed, and affected products were recalled," a statement says.

The company has indicated that PNS will inform further about the process and investigation in a separate press release.