
“Salmon Island” the next premiere on Netflix about salmon farming

Carmen Halpin

Netflix is developing a series based on Norway's salmon industry: "Salmon Island". The series will be in-between drama and comedy and is headed up by Anne Bjørnstad and Eilif Skodvin, the creators of the popular crime comedy series "Lilyhammer," to write the script and work on the series.

Pretitled as "Salmon Island", the series would be set in a small coastal community in Norway and will feature two families who are bitter enemies in the global salmon industry. The intention is to provide audiences with a humorous portrayal of the aquaculture industry.

"Over the last few decades, fish farming has changed both the Norwegian coast and international food culture. The time feels right for a television drama about the operators in the industry, and it's amazing that a global streaming service like Netflix has the guts to tell such a locally grounded story," they said for Netflix.

At the moment no further details are known about the series, what is clear is that it will make visible a world that is unknown to many.