Large barrel of fresh shrimp for sale by the pound on the beach in Bahia de Caraquez in Ecuador.


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Ecuador shrimp industry requests preventive measures to deal with energy shortages

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

The National Chamber of Aquaculture (CNA), representing the Ecuadorian shrimp sector, has requested the Ministry of Energy and Mines preventive measures to deal with the recent power outages in the country.

In more detail, CNA has asked Minister Andrea Arrobo Peña, and other officials from the Business Units of the National Electricity Corporation (CNEL S.A) and the National Energy Control Center (CENACE) to establish a communication channel to stay updated on the power outage program.

According to the National Chamber, the lack of power on shrimp farms affects water pumping, jeopardizing oxygen conditions and shrimp survival. Shrimp feed manufacturers and packers are also affected as they depend on electricity to preserve product quality and food safety standards.

For all these reasons, the CNA proposes this measure so citizens and industry agents can be informed on time with data segmented by provinces, zones, and their respective schedules. Therefore, the shrimp business would be able to reorganize work schedules and avoid damage to equipment throughout the value chain.