The total amount of grants issued by the fund in Spain amounts to €226.6 million.


Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación


Generational renewal and local development, priorities of European aquaculture policies in Spain

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

The Monitoring Committee of the Spanish program of the European Maritime, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) has addressed generational renewal and local development challenges to ensure the production, processing, and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products.

In addition, the Committee members will vote regarding internal regulations, methodology and criteria for selecting operations modifications as well as financial and program evaluation plan variations.

The EMFAF Monitoring Committee is the main decision-making body in the execution and implementation of the Spanish program. A total of 107 members represent competent administrations, the fishing and aquaculture production, marketing, and processing sectors, civil society, non-governmental organizations, and scientific and environmental institutes participating in the program.

The European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)

Spain is the leading beneficiary member state of EMFAF, with a budget allocation of €1,120 million. 49.9% of the funds are allocated to fisheries, 37.1% to aquaculture, processing, and marketing, 9.9% to participatory local development, and 3.1% to international ocean governance to ensure safe, protected, clean, and sustainably managed seas and oceans.

The total amount of grants issued to date amounts to €226.6 million. Moreover, a total of 348 applications have been approved, representing €14.7 million in public aid.

One of the beneficiaries is the aquaculture company Cultivos Piscícolas de Barbate, funded by EMFAF, which has received a public grant of €1,331,182 for the construction, equipment, and improvement of its aquaculture facilities.

Furthermore, EMFAF reserved €49 million for measures implementation within the production and marketing plans of the Association of Cantabrian Fishing Producer Organizations (Opescantábrico) for 2021-2027.