Spain bets on producer organizations to promote sustainable fishing

The 3rd Cantabrian Conference, organized by the Association of Cantabrian Fishing Producer Organizations (Opescantábrico), was held on Friday.
Opescantábrico is a pioneer in the certification of emblematic fisheries such as tuna and anchovy.

Opescantábrico is a pioneer in the certification of emblematic fisheries such as tuna and anchovy.

Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación

The Spanish General Secretary of Fisheries, Isabel Artime, identified the role of producer organizations as a "strategic tool" to promote sustainable fishing and business management and boost the competitiveness of the fishing sector.

In the same line, Artime highlighted that the work of these organizations combines tradition and innovation while ensuring continuous learning and upholding sustainability standards. Therefore, the Spanish fishing sector is stronger, more competitive, and more committed.

Moreover, the Secretary congratulated the Association of Cantabrian Fishing Producer Organizations (Opescantábrico) for being a pioneer in the certification of emblematic fisheries such as tuna and anchovy and for their work in ensuring generational turnover and fleet decarbonization.

EU Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund

The EU Maritime, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) has urged Member States to invest in making the fisheries and aquaculture sectors more competitive and to develop a sustainable blue economy.

Specifically, 49 million euros have been reserved for measures implementation within the production and marketing plans of Opescantábrico members for 2021-2027.

Furthermore, Opescantábrico has received 18.63 million euros in funds from the General State Budget in 2023, support that has tripled since 2018.

Decline in fish consumption

Another topic that has been prominent during the conference has been the progressive decline in fish consumption. For this reason, the Spanish government will carry out initiatives to reverse this trend, improving seafood products knowledge and promoting their consumption in households.

Two of these initiatives are the 'Alimentos de España' ('Spanish Food') strategy and participation in fairs and events. Finally, Artime called for the collaboration of producer organizations to act as spokespersons for the benefits of these products.

A few days ago, the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) presented the course titled Technical Measures and Innovative Strategies for Mitigating the Impacts of Fishing.

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