<div class="paragraphs"><p>In November 2020, Izumisawa  and Iwate University began cherry salmon farming trials.</p></div>

In November 2020, Izumisawa and Iwate University began cherry salmon farming trials.




Japanese company achieves first ASC certification for farmed cherry salmon

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

Izumisawa Suisan is the first commercial farm to obtain Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certification for cherry salmon production. The Japanese farm will try to enter the European market, thanks to this acquisition.

This type of salmon gets its name because it is harvested during the sakura or cherry blossom season in Japan. It has cherry pink scales, refined, light-colored flesh, and delicate fat. Izumisawa also produces coho salmon.

Regarding this achievement, President Hiroshi Izumisawa said: "We are very honored to have our achievements in environmentally friendly aquaculture recognized. This certification is trusted internationally, and we would like to utilize it in our future sales strategy."

Similarly, ASC General Manager in Japan, Koji Yamamoto said: "Through this certification, we are able to increase environmental responsibility and social awareness in the farming of cherry salmon and at the same time create an opportunity to promote this rare Japanese delicacy locally and globally."

In November 2020, the company and Iwate University began cherry salmon farming trials. Three years later, they moved on to trial farming of coho salmon and launched a full-scale business.

According to ASC, Izumisawa Suisan uses four 40-meter-diameter circular fish cages and aims to ship 1,000 tonnes of cherry and coho salmon yearly.

Representatives of ASC Japan, the Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) Amita, Iwate Prefecture and Kamaishi City, local processing manufacturers, and Iwate University attended the certification ceremony.

"Obtaining certification has been our goal since we started our aquaculture business. Through this certification, we hope to expand our sales channels, ensure a stable supply of raw materials, and work to improve the income and social status of our fishermen," Izumisawa concluded.

In March, Thai Union achieved the ASC Feed Standard certification for its Mahachai Plant in Thailand, becoming the first ASC Feed Standard certification in Asia.