Teachers will be trained to teach students aged 12 to 16 about fish consumption.


Ministerio de la Producción (PRODUCE)


Peru promotes fish consumption in schools

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

The Ministry of Production of Peru (PRODUCE) has launched the 'Pescactivate' strategy to promote fish consumption in educational institutions. Therefore, teachers will be trained regarding this topic to teach students aged 12 to 16 nationwide.

According to PRODUCE, children between these ages will be the agents of change and student leaders capable of positively influencing the consumption habits of hydrobiological products.

In addition, 'Pescactivate' will try to inspire students' creativity to generate innovative school projects, which could even be developed in digital spaces and achieve greater dissemination.

Furthermore, the team of the National Program A Comer Pescado will provide training to teachers on the importance of consuming hydrobiological products and educational tools.

'Pescactivate 2023'

'Pescactivate 2023' successfully trained 332 teachers from 29 secondary educational institutions in 28 districts nationwide and strengthened education and students' health.

In 2024, the program hopes to train 304 teachers from 75 secondary educational institutions in 75 districts nationwide. This means 4,661 students, expanding its reach and consolidating its commitment to promoting healthy habits in this society sector.

On the other hand, PRODUCE also announced last week its intention to promote the development of the 'National Plan for Artisanal Fishing Infrastructure' to strengthen landing sites.