Mussel farms in the Vigo estuary. Rias Baixas, Galicia, Spain.


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Spain awards aquaculture research projects with 20,000€

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food of Spain has presented the XXIII edition of the 'Jacumar' Award that promotes aquaculture research and strengthens relationships between the scientific community and the production sector.

The awarded works will receive 20,000 euros for its environmental, social, consumer protection, and animal welfare aspects. All this will allow to increase the presence of aquaculture products in the markets.

Also, the innovative character, and the participation of sector companies or scientific or administrative institutions will be taken into account. Public or private research centers, located in Spain, can participate.

Previous editions

Last year, the project IMRAS: A new integrated model of sustainable, eco-efficient, and competitive aquaculture, presented by IFAPA, El Toruño Center, won the 'Jacumar' Award.

In 2022, the Demo-Bluesmartfeed initiative achieved the recognition. The pilot project, developed by CTNaval, consisted in monitoring the supply of food for sustainable aquaculture with intelligent technology.

Finally, the 'Jacumar' Award in 2021 was given to Sunras: efficient and sustainable management of effluents in marine aquaculture through solar technology led by the University of Cádiz.

In late February, the Spanish Government recoginez the CTAQUA Aquaculture Technology Centre as a National Technology Centre boosting aquaculture research and development on the national stage.