Anchovy for fishmeal and fish oil production was the species whose landings contributed most to the growth in value of Peru's fishing sector in April.


Photo: Produce.


Peru's fishing sector grew 158.40% in April

Marta Negrete

In April 2024, the Peruvian economy grew by 5.28%. According to information provided by the Peruvian Ministry of Production (Produce), although supported by the favorable performance of several sectors, it was, however, the fishing sector that contributed the most to this growth after registering an increase of 158.40% compared to the same month of 2023.

Anchovy for fishmeal and fish oil production achieved the most for this growth

The head of Produce, Sergio Gonzalez, stressed that this significant growth is mainly due to the increased landing of marine species in Peruvian ports. The South American country has seen how in 2024 the good evolution of biological and environmental factors has increased the availability of fishery resources.

For example, before the end of May, Peru announced that in less than five months it had already caught 81% more bonito than in the previous year. Last week, after analyzing the landings of this species from January to May, Produce decided to increase its quota limit for this year.

However, in April it was not bonito but anchovy for fishmeal and fish oil production, which achieved the most for this 158.40% growth in the economic results of Peru's fisheries. Minister González pointed out that in April, just this species - whose season was progressing at a good pace at the beginning of June - generated a value of USD 385 million (EUR 359.24 million) and benefited more than 11 thousand Peruvians with direct jobs, and another 30 thousand in indirect jobs.

As a consequence of this, after fourteen months of negative results, the manufacturing sector also grew by 11.43%, precisely due to the increase in the processing and preservation of fish, crustaceans, and mollusks, being, together with fishing, one of the sectors with the greatest impact on the production result for April 2024.

Result of the decisions taken in April to benefit the fishing industry

"This is important and encouraging news that responds to timely and quick decisions that were taken in April and that benefit the fishing activity, which is so transcendent and important for the country," said González, in a clear reference to the change of government that Peru registered at the beginning of that month.

The new Prime Minister, Gustavo Adrianzén, then stated that promoting fisheries and aquaculture would be a priority in the General Policy of the new cabinet. That was also the moment when Gonzalez himself took the reins of the Ministry of Production, replacing Ana Maria Choquehuanca.

Finally, Gonzalez also highlighted that the opening of the Chancay Port Terminal will position the country as an export leader in the region. "From Produce, a working table has been created between the private sector and the state to prepare companies for the operations in Chancay," said the Minister of Production.

"It is a great opportunity for growth, not only for Chancay, but a chain, from the airport to the Ancon Industrial Park, that, in coordination with ProInversion, we already have the park awarded in better conditions," he added.