Promoting fisheries and aquaculture, a priority for new Peruvian Government

It was announced during the presentation of the new Peruvian Government in the Congress, where we also learned Sergio González is the new Ministry of Production.
Ana María Choquehuanca and Sergio González former and new Minister of Production of Peru.

Peru's new Minister of Production, Sergio González, took over from his predecessor, Ana María Choquehuanca, as the head of Produce. The new government will promote the fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

Photo: Produce.

After the fall of his right-hand man, Alberto Otárola, involved in a sexual harassment scandal, the President of Peru, Dina Boluarte, appointed Gustavo Adrianzén as his replacement. In his first appearance in Congress - where he got over a motion of confidence and presented his project -, the new Prime Minister stated that promoting fisheries and aquaculture is a priority in the General Policy of the new Peruvian Government.

In that appearance, Adrianzén also announced new heads for six ministries, among them the Ministry of Production (Produce) where Sergio González has taken over from Ana María Choquehuanca.

Commitment to sustainability in the fishing sector

"The Government will promote the fishing and aquaculture sector; betting on the sustainable and timely use of our fishing resources, based on the scientific and technical evidence provided by the Peruvian Institute of the Sea (Imarpe)." This is how Produce's release summarized what Prime Minister Adrianzén said in his presentation in office.

In order to strengthen and reactivate the sector, the new team of the Ministry of Production will promote permanent dialogue with fishing stakeholders, ensuring the sustainability of fisheries of the main fishery resources. Likewise, scientific research at sea and on land will be strengthened "to contribute to the sustainability of the extractive activity of the Peruvian sea, generate work, and promote food security for more Peruvians."

Produce also said it will contribute to the development of artisanal fisheries by providing them with modern infrastructure to carry out their unloading activities. Thus, it announced that, through the National Fisheries Development Fund (FONDEPES), 24 investment projects for more than PEN 60 million (EUR 15 / USD 16.3 million) will be executed in the remainder of 2024 in 10 regions of the country, what will directly benefit more than 5,142 artisanal fishermen.

There will be a new National Fisheries Policy

During the presentation in Congress, it was also announced the formulation and approval of the National Fisheries Policy, "a significant milestone to guarantee sustainable development, increasing competitiveness; adopting technologies to improve extraction and processing processes, and developing optimal fishing infrastructure," according to Produce's release. "These actions are fundamental to ensure economic growth and the conservation of hydrobiological resources, since more than 33 million Peruvians depend on it."

Likewise, it was also announced that - demonstrating the sector's commitment to the health and welfare of the Peruvian population -, the National Program 'A Comer Pescado' ('Let's eat fish') will promote the marketeer of 3.7 million kg. of hydrobiological products and 2.4 million cans of canned fish, through the development of promotional activities in the most vulnerable regions with the highest anemia rates in the country.

Moreover, the Peruvian Ministry of Production recently approved the Multiannual Sectoral Strategic Plan (PESEM) 2024-2030, which establishes the objectives to be achieved in fisheries and aquaculture in that period in order to get the objectives included in the Strategic Plan for National Development to 2050, where one of the country's main challenges for the coming years is to return to the path of growth and national development.

Increasing aquaculture and fishery productivity among strategic objectives

The Multiannual Sector Strategic Plan formulated for the period 2024-2030 presents the sector's strategy to achieve 'national objective 3': "To raise competitiveness and productivity levels with decent employment and based on the sustainable use of resources, human capital, the intensive use of science and technology, and the country's digital transformation."

To achieve these aims, Produce's PESEM 2024-2030 establishes the following Strategic Sector Objectives (OES):

  1. To raise the levels of productive and sustainable development of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.

  2. To raise the productivity levels of aquaculture activities.

  3. To increase the use of quality standards in products and services.

  4. To raise the productivity levels of the fishing activity.

  5. To raise productivity levels in the manufacturing industry.

Change at the helm of Produce

As mentioned above, in addition, during the presentation of Gustavo Adrianzén's cabinet to Congress, we also met Peru's new Minister of Production, Sergio González, who replaces Ana María Choquehuanca at the helm of Produce.

With more than 15 years of work experience in public management and extensive professional experience in policy design, direction, and management of government entities, the new Minister is a lawyer by profession and has held various senior management positions, including the head of the National Fisheries Development Fund.

After the transfer of office ceremony, in his first meeting with Produce employees, Minister González expressed his full commitment to work towards the objectives set to contribute to the strengthening of fishing, as well as to support micro and small enterprises nationwide.

"The Government has to promote economic reactivation as its main axis, therefore, it is essential to work in an articulated way to strengthen the fishing and aquaculture activities, as well as SMEs and industry, sectors that depend on Produce," said González. "Let's continue working with the same determination to contribute to the country's sustainable development," he concluded.

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