Spain produces more than 12,000 tons of canned anchovies, generating over 100 million euros annually.


Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación


Spain bets on the anchovy sector to boost the economy

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

The Secretary General of Fisheries, Isabel Artime, explained how the Spanish anchovy fishery has become a powerful industrial and economic structure with positive effects on the country, during the 24th edition of the Anchovy and Canned Fish Fair of Cantabria.

The event is the perfect chance to express the importance of the entire sea industry chain and the national and international promotion of this product, which has successfully combined tradition with modernity.

In more detail, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food confirms that Spain produces more than 12,000 tons of canned anchovies annually, with a value exceeding 110 million euros.

Furthermore, the anchovy industry plays a crucial role in Spain creating directly and indirectly hundreds of jobs in sectors such as canning and processing, hospitality, and tourism.

During the event, Artime met representatives of the Artisan Producers Organization of Cantabria (Opacan) and the Cantabrian Fishing Producers Association (Opescantabrico).

Last week, Artime went to the Annual Assembly National Federation of Provincial Associations of Retail Entrepreneurs of Fish and Frozen Products (Fedepesca) to promote fish consumption.

The importance of partnerships and funding

The Guetaria Agreement annually signed between Spain and France, aims to promote long-term sustainable anchovy catch management. This kind of collaboration helps to define catch limits to ensure the good development of the activity.

In addition, the Secretary General of Fisheries emphasized the role of science in improving fisheries management with campaigns like "Bioman" and "Juvena" which seek relevant information on the anchovy throughout its distribution area.

The Spanish Government is financing the fishing processing sector with a budget of 40 million euros, co-financed by the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan (PRTR).

Also, the Ministry confirmed in February that the fish canning industry will have access to European Next Generation funds for circular economy and digitization projects.