Urchinomics' new in-country lead for New Zealand not only has experience working with iwi (tribes) and indigenous fishing interests in the South Pacific but whakapapa (ancestral) connections with different tribes.


Photo: Urchinomics.


Maru Samuels, new Urchinomics in-country lead for New Zealand

Marta Negrete

The pioneering venture in sea urchin ranching and kelp restoration Urchinomics announced the appointment of Maru Samuels as its new in-country lead for New Zealand. Last year, the company launched Kinanomics there, a joint project with EnviroStrat and Ngati Porou Seafoods Groups to create a high-value aquaculture industry from kinas, a type of native sea urchin, with the aim to create employment opportunities while supporting the restoration of seaweed and marine ecosystems.

With an experience of more than 20 years working with iwi (tribes) and fishing companies in New Zealand, as well as with indigenous fishing interests in the South Pacific, in this newly established role, Samuels will spearhead the development of sea urchin ranching operations using Urchinomics proprietary system, to address the growing issue of kina barrens in New Zealand.

Local knowledge and understanding needed to succeed

In announcing the appointment of Maru Samuels as Urchinomics in-country lead for New Zealand, the restorative aquaculture company highlighted his key role in driving the country's research, innovation, and advocacy-based transformation in fisheries.

In addition, Urchinomics also highlighted that since Samuels has already been actively involved in Kinanomics - Envirostrat's successful pilot project to establish the viability and "taste" of farm-raised kina in New Zealand - he is perfectly positioned to drive the next phase of the project to bring the commercialization and expansion of kina farm-raised facilities to fruition.

Giles Cadman, President of Urchinomics, was delighted that Samuels has accepted the role. "He is a great team player, and brings the local knowledge and understanding we need to succeed in our mission of working with communities and stakeholders to restore New Zealand’s coastal ecosystems," he stated.

Intersection of ecology, premium seafood, aquaculture, and community

Pery Bevin, CEO of Urchinomics, with whom Maru Samuels will work closely in her new position, also spoke in the same vein. "Similar to many regions worldwide, New Zealand has long grappled with the challenges posed by urchin barrens, and Maru is undeniably the ideal person to lead a solution tailored to New Zealand's distinctive ecological and indigenous landscape," Bevin said.

Samuels, who personally has whakapapa (ancestral) connections with the Ngaitakoto, Te Rarawa, Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngāti Hauā tribes, was also very pleased with his newly established role. 

"Urchinomics presents a distinctive, and exciting, global proposition with a proven history of performing at the intersection of ecology, premium seafood, aquaculture, and community," he stated. "I am excited to continue my engagement in New Zealand as part of this remarkable global initiative and look forward working closely with other in-country leads in the USA, Canada, Norway and Japan," he added.

About Urchinomics

Urchinomics™ is a pioneering aquaculture company that converts destructive sea urchins into valuable products that can be supplied consistently throughout the year. Its methodology helps restore kelp forests, which promotes greater marine biomass, biodiversity, and the ability to sequester atmospheric CO2. All while creating important full-time jobs in rural coastal communities at its global locations in Norway, Canada, California, and Japan.

Precisely in Japan, Urchinomics has just reached an agreement with Hokkaido Electric Power Co. to jointly study a sea urchin farming business to solve the problem of Hokkaido's rocky shores.