<div class="paragraphs"><p>This first season of 2024 is generating around 11,400 direct jobs and 34,700 indirect jobs.</p></div>

This first season of 2024 is generating around 11,400 direct jobs and 34,700 indirect jobs.




Peru reaches 60% of the 2024 anchovy quota in the North-Central zone

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

The Ministry of Production in Peru (PRODUCE) has confirmed the unloading of 1,497,302 tons of anchovy and white anchovy for indirect human consumption from the first fishing season of 2024 in the North-Central zone.

According to statistics updated as of May 13, this figure represents 60.5% of the 2,475,000 tons quota assigned for the season that began on April 16, with a mode of 12 cm.

One month after the season began, minister of PRODUCE Sergio González Guerrero, highlighted: "We hope that in the coming days and weeks, the outlook will continue, allowing for the generation of jobs and economic income for the country."

The main ports where the unloadings took place were: Malabrigo (23.5%), Chimbote (19.4%), Callao (13.2%), Coishco (8.9%), Chancay (7.1%), Supe (5.9%), and Tambo de Mora (5.6%). Finally, PRODUCE informed that the 108 vessels reached their established quota.

Only twenty-one days after the season started, PRODUCE already confirmed that anchovy unloading exceeded one million tons in the North-Central zone.

One of the most important sectors of the Peruvian economy

This first season of 2024 is generating around 11,400 direct jobs and 34,700 indirect jobs throughout the entire fishing activity chain and it will contribute 0.5% to the national GDP and generate a 24% contribution to the Fishing GDP, equivalent to an added value of $385 million.

Moreover, Peruvian fishery exports are estimated to account for 24% of the national total. In other words, it will generate USD 831 million in foreign exchange for the country. It is estimated that this would result in a contribution of about 8% to national exports by the end of 2024.

In March, the government of Peru has launched an expedition to assess the situation of the north-central stock of anchovy. The Hydroacoustic evaluation cruise of anchovy and other pelagic resources was carried out by the Peruvian Marine Institute (IMARPE).