A total of 443 tons of resources were donated to vulnerable populations.


El Estado Peruano


Peru strengthens its commitment against illegal fishing

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

So far this year in Peru, 71,432 inspection audits have been carried out, according to the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE). Additionally, 1,597 operations have been conducted in conjunction with government institutions in the different coastal regions of the country.

Moreover, the Vice Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Jesús Barrientos confirmed that 1,640 tons of resources were seized because they did not comply with the regulations for the protection of marine fauna; of this total, 443 tons were donated to vulnerable populations.

"We are also making arrangements for the acquisition of two new maritime interdiction patrol vessels with a budget of $27.5 million, which will be added to the four we acquired between 2021 and 2023 as part of an agreement with the Peruvian Navy," he added.

Against illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing

The electronic logbooks held by PRODUCE record 100% of the extractive fishing activity of larger-scale vessels, ensuring transparent and efficient monitoring.

Moreover, the SISESAT system continuously monitors more than 2,000 fishing vessels in real-time, verifying their location and ensuring they do not enter prohibited areas.

On the other hand, the Maritime Authority monitors foreign vessels using Peruvian ports through the Aquatic Traffic Identification and Monitoring System (SIMTRAC).

Finally, 280 inspectors inspect processing plants and verify the unloaded volume of anchovy, conducting size and density sampling of the resource.

Some weeks ago, the US National Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and PRODUCE held the 'Workshop for Port State Controllers on the Port State Measures Agreement' (AMERP) to fight illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

During nine days - from May 15 to 23 - professionals from Peruvian national entities involved in preventing, deterring, and eliminating IUU fishing received training from NOAA experts in this fight.