Gustavo Delgado-Aparicio has more than 28 years of expertise in the financial industry.


Pesquera Diamante


Peru's Pesquera Diamante has a new General Manager

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

Peruvian fishmeal producer Pesquera Diamante has announced that Gustavo Delgado-Aparicio will assume the role of General Manager in four days, succeeding Pablo Trapunsky, who will remain with the organization until June 30 to ensure a correct transition in the company.

This appointment is part of Pesquera Diamante's strategy to continue "strengthening its market position and consolidating its commitment to sustainability and innovation in the sector," a statement reads.

The new General Manager has more than 28 years of expertise in the financial industry. Before, he was General Manager at Banco Pichincha, and Deputy General Manager at BBVA Peru for over 14 years.

Additionally, Delgado-Aparicio served as Vice President at Citibank Peru and Finance Manager at Pesquera Diamante in 2018.

About Pesquera Diamante

Pesquera Diamante is a Peruvian company dedicated to the processing of fishmeal and fish oil, canned goods, and fresh and frozen products. It has 22 purse-seiner vessels made entirely of naval steel and built by its personnel.

These vessels are primarily dedicated to anchovy fishing for indirect human consumption (fishmeal and fish oil), of which 14 have Refrigerated Sea Water (RSW) systems with insulated holds for jack mackerel, mackerel, and tuna fishing.