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Ommund Stokka from IE&FLT and Rune Dyrvik from Sjømat Norge.
Marta Negrete
2 min read
The framework of the front sector is an average, not a definitive figure; the result may be higher or lower in local negotiations.
Bright wooden spoon with capsules of fish oil on the background of the fish.
Rocio Álvarez Jiménez
2 min read
IFFO - The Marine Ingredients Organisation has published its last report that shows global fishmeal and fish oil production trends in 2024.
Anchovy fishing vessels in the southern Peruvian sea.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
IFFO figures show global fishmeal production declined by 16%, while fish oil output dropped by 20% in 2023. Meanwhile, China starts 2024 with a slowdown in fishmeal imports.
Vessels in the southern Peruvian sea. Photo by: Produce.
Louisa Gairn
2 min read
Dramatic drop in marine ingredients is due to cancellation of Peru's anchovy season, according to the Marine Ingredients Organisation (IFFO).
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