David Di Blasio is succeeding David Brown who has resigned to pursue an opportunity outside the company.


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David Di Blasio, new Chief Financial Officer of Clean Seas Seafood

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

Clean Seas Seafood Limited has appointed David Di Blasio as Chief Financial Officer of the company. He has occupied senior finance positions at Yumbah Aquaculture, Cooper Energy, and Santos.

According to the Australian whitefish farmer, Di Blasio is succeeding David Brown who has resigned to pursue an opportunity outside the company. Brown will stay in the company for a specific period to assist Di Blasio in transitioning his responsibilities.

Regarding this announcement, Chief Executive Officer Robert Gratton, said: "David Brown has made an outstanding contribution to Clean Seas over the last 7 years, having served as our CFO for the last 4 years. He leaves a strong legacy and we wish him well in his future role."

In addition, he confirmed: "It is a pleasure to announce the appointment of David Di Blasio as Clean Seas' Chief Financial Officer. David's extensive strategic, financial, and aquaculture-specific experience will be valuable in leading Clean Seas through its next phase as we seek to drive long-term value for shareholders."

About Clean Seas Seafood

Clean Seas Seafood is a fully integrated Australian aquaculture business listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and with a secondary listing on Euronext Growth Oslo (OSE).

Clean Seas is a leader in full-cycle breeding, farming, processing, and marketing of its Hiramasa or Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriola lalandi). It is the largest producer of aquaculture Yellowtail Kingfish outside Japan.