PRODUCE Minister Sergio Gonzalez Guerrero talks about the 'National Plan for Artisanal Fishing Infrastructure'.




Peru invests in artisanal fishing to strengthen landing sites

Rocio Álvarez Jiménez

The Minister of the Ministry of Production of Peru (PRODUCE), Sergio Gonzalez Guerrero, has announced the intention of the public organism to promote the development of the 'National Plan for Artisanal Fishing Infrastructure'.

In the same line, the Minister confirmed the allocation of $60 million for the maintenance and improvement of the Artisanal fishing ports (DPA) nationwide. In addition, PRODUCE will work to strengthen the management and administration of these infrastructures by artisanal fishing communities.

Fish consumption promotion and strengthening of aquaculture and fishing institutions

Also, emphasis will be placed on empowering the Peruvian Marine Research Institute (IMARPE) to provide scientific information on indicators of the national artisanal fishery and consequently guarantee the sustainability of fishery resources.

Regarding the promotion of fish consumption, the National Program 'A Comer Pescado' ('Let's eat fish')  will carry out more than 7,000 promotional fairs around the country to promote the consumption of hydrobiological products from artisanal fishing and aquaculture, benefiting more than 2.4 million families.

On the other hand, the Government will evaluate more than 200 environmental management instruments that will represent a private investment of $650 million.

Finally, PRODUCE will strengthen the National Fisheries Health Agency (SANIPES) and will carry out the II National Census of Artisanal Fishing in 2025.

All of this was announced and explained during the Committee on Production, Micro and Small Enterprises, and Cooperatives of the Congress of the Republic.

A couple of weeks ago, González confirmed that the Megaport Puerto Chancay project in Lima will have a significant economic and social impact, generating $4.5 billion annually.