COVID and Employer Branding in Aquaculture

COVID and Employer Branding in Aquaculture

The coronavirus pandemic changed lives and industries in ways we couldn't have imagined. And the fact is we still cannot talk about the pandemic in the past tense. It is a still going situation and we have just learned new ways to live through it. During the pandemic, many companies had to stop their recruitment process. On one end due to restrictions from governments and on the other because of business uncertainty. The decision to stop recruitment processes also translated into the termination of Employer Branding investments. This was done under the misconception that it would be unnecessary to make this investment when so many people were unemployed.

And now they are in a position where they must do everything from scratch. They are behind in the talent attraction and retention game. The talent market in the Aquaculture industry has changed and transformed into one where they are prioritizing different elements than before the pandemic. This means if companies stopped their employer branding efforts as the pandemic started, and now they want to jump back on the train, they are in a completely different race.

Brand and Employer Brand

Your efforts at implementing a brand among consumers of your aquaculture products must always go by the hand of those of your employer brand. Your company's reputation in every public aspect is very important, especially during a pandemic. During these times you need to take the opportunity to reassess and evaluate your company's priorities, values, and culture. Work with your current employees on what actually made them stay with your organization during these difficult times. Determine which of your current employees would be great promoters and ambassadors.

Job Security has been a key element in employer branding efforts among the aquaculture industry. Salary and benefits have also been essential. However, on the production side of our industry, it was inherently impossible for companies to offer work-from-home and home-office contingencies. However, companies working through the peaks of the pandemic evidenced they did every effort to maintain safe work environments. While providing as much work-life balance as possible for their employees.

Employer Brand Now

The rise of Employer Branding strategies was due to a need to secure and attract the most skilled and qualified talent. And our industry has seen a scarcity of talent in many countries. Relying heavily on global talent and talent development. Making this globality and Human resources development a key element to their Employer Branding Strategies for our industry. Before building your Employer Branding Strategies you must have input from employees, as well as past candidates about their experience with your company.

At AquacultureTalent we consider every aspect that may be decisive to designing a tailored Employer Brand for your organization. This is why we take this matter very seriously. We have qualified and committed team members that will design a great strategy for your organization which will translate into attracting and retaining the best talent out there!

Contact us today at AquacultureTalent. We will take the time to evaluate and assess your organization in order to give candidates, employees, and your organization, the best experience in the race for talent.
