Earth Day Every Day

Earth Day Every Day
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I would like to take a pause from Human Resources, Recruitment, and Aquaculture posts, which I have done every year since joining this industry. And the reason I want to make a pause is to promote the Earth Day Everyday initiative. When we talk about the biggest living organisms, what's the first thing crossing our minds? Blue whales, elephants, the Great Barrier Reef. And all those answers are right, altogether. The addition of all the ecosystems, all living creatures, and their environments, is the biggest living organism in existence. Planet Earth is the biggest living organism there is.

When a faucet in your home breaks, you do about and fix it. If your pet dog is not feeling well, you do your best to heal them. When your garden is not looking healthy, you start feeding it nutrients. We do our best in our little bubble to make our living situation a comfortable one. But what if -only what if- we took the same time and efforts to protect and heal our biggest home? It is the only one we have, right?

Planet earth literally puts a ground under our feet, food on our table, oxygen in our lungs, and that suffices most of our basic human needs. But when we consider the beautifulness we are able to take a glimpse to, it adds too. Planet earth has gone through several evolutions, just like we humans did. And it will keep evolving even after the human species is gone.

Earth As We Know It

So, when we say the planet will end we are not saying it will stop existing, that it will just disappear from our solar system. Organisms respond to stimuli, and that is what our planet has been doing for billions of years, this is not the exception. So in response to the harsh and hostile conditions our species have created for the rest of this huge living organism called earth, it is hitting back and creating adverse conditions for us. Earth, as we know it, will stop existing. Earth as a habitable place for human beings will no longer be. But it will prevail.

What Must We Do?

We can say the damage has been done. Some experts claim that if our ways of life don't change within the next 10 years then that damage will become irreversible. Yes, of course, industries have done a lot to cause that damage but every big change comes from within. If we, as part of human civilization, do not change our practices, industries will not be forced to change theirs, which is a vicious cycle. In order to start reversing that impact we have had on our planet we must:

  • Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Reduce your printed mail. Buy in bulk and easy to reuse packaging. Invest in Recycling bins for your home/community.
  • Reduce our Carbon Footprint. By using public transportation, giving up plastic, switching to LED technologies, and trying composting.
  • Conserve Water. By avoiding the pollution of water sources, as well as not waste it unnecessarily. Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. Water your plants during cold parts of the day, usually at night. Run only full loads on your washing machine. Take shorter showers.
  • Promote the conservation of tropical rainforest and earth's lungs. Research about native tree species in your area and plant at least 2 trees per year.

What does Aquaculture do for the Environment?

In a previous post I addressed the impacts of Aquaculture in our modern world, However it is important to highlight the role it has had in earth conservation.

At its beginnings the industrial Aquaculture Production lacked sustainable practices, causing a negative impact on the environment. However, knowledge of the practices, normative and regulations that are taking place nowadays, its impact has given aquaculture different shades on the environmental impacts. Aquaculture has moved to more sustainable and conservationist productions. How? One may wonder.

  • Thanks to agencies that have put regulations in place there are no buildups in fish farm areas. Having to place the sites in areas with strong currents and moving them from time to time.
  • Land-based aquaculture systems have very little impact on the surrounding environment. Especially when compared to cattle production.
  • The decline of antibiotics has happened, and farmed fish are being effectively vaccinated with safe practices.
  • With the help of artificial intelligence and technology such as sensors, monitors, and cameras, cage inspections are done more effectively and regularly.
  • Aquaponic systems, which are land-based recirculation Aquaculture systems, provide an organic, safe, and water-conserving option for producing both fish and greens.

Final Words

Our future is in our hands, we must try to adapt – as much as our own finances allow it- to a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Every little action we take towards a more conserving and sustainable life counts, everything adds up in the end. We must do our research and do everything in our power to lead a life that is less harmful towards our only home, our planet earth.

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