Produce proposes a proposal to take Peruvian aquaculture to the next level
At the end of last week, the Peruvian Ministry of Production (Produce) published a regulatory proposal to modify Article 10 of the Regulations of the General Aquaculture Act to achieve higher optimization of the sector's production.
Thus, with the approval by Supreme Decree No. 003-2016-PRODUCE, it would seek to advance in its three production categories: Aquaculture of Limited Resources (AREL), which includes small-scale producers; Aquaculture of Micro and Small Enterprises (AMYPE), which involves small-sized companies and, finally, Aquaculture of Medium and Large Enterprises, with capacity for large production (AMYGE).
Considering this classification, the measure facilitates investment, promotes productive development and business growth in aquaculture, eliminating barriers in administrative procedures.
Modify the measurement indicators for the categories
To achieve this goal, a suggested alteration involves changing the classification of aquaculture activities using a revised measurement indicator.
Previously, the indicator determined the annual catch tonnes; however, the new system will assess it based on Tax Units (UIT). Tax Units serve as the standard measure employed by the Peruvian Government for tax and obligation calculations, functioning as a reference tool to determine tax payments within the South American nation.
Thus, the categories change as a result of this measure. To be part of the AREL category, the annual sales must be less than or equal to 10 UIT. On the other hand, for AMYPE, the figure must be higher than 10 UIT but less than or equal to 1700 UIT. Finally, for AMYGE, the amounts must be over 1700 UIT.
A more straightforward classification, which companies can calculate on their own, enables quicker processes. This also enhances the efficiency of the assistance and obligations of each company.
Tomorrow is the last day for changes. Produce would have been given five days from its publication for changes. With this, it intends that public or private entities, guilds, aquaculture producers, and citizens, in general, could make suggestions, comments, and/or recommendations on the proposal.