Lowest ICES mackerel quota recommendation since 2013

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea reduced the recommended mackerel quota for 2025 by 22% due to low spawning stock.
Research trip on mackerel stocks in 2020.

The mackerel quota recommended by ICES for 2025 is 576,958 tons.

Photo: Leif Nøttestad / Norwegian Institute of Marine Research.

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The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) presented its quota recommendations for mackerel, Norwegian spring-spawning herring (nvg-herring), blue whiting, and western horse mackerel for 2025. Specifically for mackerel, the quota recommendation is the lowest in more than ten years, since 2013.

The experts noted that the lack of international agreements and fishing above the recommendations are challenges for both mackerel, nvg-herring, and blue whiting.

A 22% decrease in mackerel quota

For 2025, ICES recommends a quota of 576,958 tons of mackerel. This represents a 22% decrease compared to the recommendation for 2024 and a 40% decrease compared to the estimated catch for the same year.

According to information provided by the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research, in 2014, the mackerel spawning stock was estimated at more than 7 million tons. In 2024, the estimated spawning stock is less than 2.8 million tons.

"The spawning stock is dangerously close to the precautionary level. To maintain a sustainable population, fishing pressure must be reduced," said stock manager Leif Nøttestad, arguing for this recommendation.

The marine researcher also pointed out that mackerel fishing mortality has increased significantly in recent years and is now well above the precautionary level (FMSY), while recruitment has been poor.

"During this summer's mackerel and ecosystem survey, we measured the smallest distribution and the lowest density of mackerel we have seen in the last 15 years," Nøttestad explained.

Good long-term outlook for nvg-herring

Regarding catches of Norwegian spring-spawning herring, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea recommends they not exceed 401,794 tons. This means an increase of 3% compared to the recommendation for 2024 and 10% lower than the estimated catch in 2024.

"The spawning stock of nvg-herring is just below the precautionary level in 2024 and slightly lower in 2025," said stock manager Erling Kåre Stenevik. However, he also said that the outlook is more encouraging in the long term.

"Two strong year classes are coming in, with the 2021 and 2022 year classes," he explained. "The 2022 year class, in particular, looks promising, but this year class is not old enough to enter the spawning stock in 2025. However, the outlook is brighter going forward."

Slight decrease for blue whiting and opening for western horse mackerel

For blue whiting, the recommended quota is 1,447,054 tons for 2025. Although this is 5% less than the recommendation for 2024 and 23% less than the estimated catch in 2024, in this species the drop is lighter, not as marked as in the case of mackerel.

Where there is an important novelty is in the recommendation for western horse mackerel. After a zero-catch recommendation for this species for the last two years, for 2025, the researchers recommend a quota of 75,545 tons.

In 2024 a methodology review was carried out for western horse mackerel in which, among other things, the reference points were updated, which led ICES to no longer recommend zero catches. The quota recommendation for 2025 is at the same level as those given in 2020, 2021, and 2022.

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