Arturo Clément, President of SalmonChile.

The President of SalmonChile, Arturo Clément, will be in charge of speaking about the challenges of salmon farming and its commitment to sustainability.

Photo: SalmonChile. 

SalmonChile to speak in London about the food of the future

It will do so within the framework of Chile Day, to be held in the British capital on September 9 and 10.
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Next September, the Chilean Salmon Industry Association, SalmonChile, will participate for the first time in Chile Day. It will do so through its president, Arturo Clément, who will make a presentation on 'Feeding the world: challenges of salmon farming and its commitment to sustainability'.

Afterward, the president of the Chilean salmon industry will also be part of the panel discussion 'Building a better future through sustainable products' in which he will speak together with Francisco Ruiz Tagle, general manager of Empresas CMPC, a Chilean global company delivering solutions sourced from natural fibers. The panel will be moderated by the executive director of WWF Chile, Ricardo Bosshard.

"We are very pleased to be part of this meeting, which is fundamental to continue promoting investment in our country and to demonstrate what we are doing in the different productive sectors," said the President of SalmonChile.

"We want to show the progress that Chilean salmon farming has made over the years and how we are working to put sustainability at the center of our activity, developing a product that will be fundamental for the food of the future," Arturo Clément noted.

Recently, SalmonChile organized the first edition of 'Salmon Summit 2024: Powering Chilean salmon farming to 2050', where more than 1,200 people including industry leaders, politicians, academics, economists, and civil society representatives discussed the challenges and opportunities of salmon farming in the country.

One of the conclusions of this event was the need to establish a strong public-private alliance that would allow the Chilean salmon industry to conquer the markets in which Chile is already competing. "We need a national vision for salmon farming. We need an aquaculture towards 2050 where everyone in this country can generate value, where we can have a permanent policy, and where we can really feed the world from Chile," Clément summarized at the closing of the event.

This first-ever participation in Chile Day may be a step. Organized by InBest Chile, this event is a public-private initiative that seeks to promote investments in the country. For the 2024 edition in London, the organization expects that, on September 9 and 10, about 300 people will attend to listen to various panels of Chilean experts on political, economic, and sustainable issues, among others.

The event will be hosted by the Minister of Finance of Chile, Mario Marcel, along with other Chilean authorities, such as the Minister of Energy, Diego Pardow, and the Vice President of the Chilean Economic Development Agency (CORFO), José Miguel Benavente, as well as representatives of renowned Chilean companies and startups.
