Is Aquaculture Really Important?

Is Aquaculture Really Important?
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For decades, world's fisheries have been over-exploited and mismanaged, resulting in wild fish stock scarcity. The confrontation of this issue has given aquaculture the opportunity to grow substantially over the past 3 decades. Let's learn a little about the industry so we can dive into what brought us here today.

Aquaculture is the process of harvesting organisms raised in watery environments for human consumption specifically. Also known as fish farming, the aquaculture concept is original from China. And can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty (1112-221 AD). The Chinese developed agricultural-aquacultural integrated systems. For instance, we can find Aquaculture farms all over the world, inland, rivers, out in the sea, tanks, anywhere.

How is it that Aquaculture has found a way for over 2500 years?

The industry has evolved so much, that some of the practices from our human ancestors, back in the 1200 AD, are not used today. Aquaculture has experienced so many changes and has done so many advances. Changes such as genetical modifications, fish food production within the own production, artificial breeding, and technological monitoring. Which has shaped its practice to each of the modern worlds that have taken over its benefits

Why is Aquaculture important in our modern world?

I can go on and on about how humans have affected the world we live in with bad practices in the different industries, as well as how climate change and global warming have increased due to these practices. Instead, today, I will pinpoint the different reasons why this industry is important.

  • Efficiency and Sustainability: animal production increases greenhouse gas emissions significantly, but also involves a huge waste of resources and deforestation. On the other hand, aquaculture has represented an alternative to seafood production. It does not involve overfishing of our oceans, nor deforestation. Its methods and processes enable the production of high-quality protein with a very low carbon footprint per viable feed. As well as the highest protein and energy retention when compared to pork, beef, and chicken.  
  • Healthy: aquaculture offers an alternative that can provide health for us and our planet. As long as its done correctly and following the BAP (Best Aquaculture Practices) with productions that are socially responsible, environmentally friendly and that takes animal welfare and food safety into consideration.

Social Impact

  • Food Security: aquaculture-produced seafood is usually cheaper than any other animal protein. And when we acknowledge the fact that is higher in protein, minerals, and vitamins than other animals, it turns out we get high-quality products for a lot less money. Being cheap means households that live under harsh economical conditions are more able to purchase aquaculture produced products than any other meat, providing more diverse nutrition and better health.
  • Increases Employment: aquaculture farms are usually located in very remote places. Normally natives of these places need to move from their town to find a job that would help them support their families. But when these farms take over these places it translates into direct and indirect income and job opportunities for these people.

What's WeAreAquaculture

WeAreAquaculture represents our need to show everyone the faces of aquaculture, hence, we will be sharing with you experiences from aquaculture workers and companies across the world. We are passionate about aquaculture. And that is the reason we want to share these experiences with you. The only way to change the world is if we change the way and forms we do things around us. Then maybe little by little everyone else will follow through.

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