Canada flag on the boat. Photo by: Adobe Stocks.
Canada flag on the boat. Photo by: Adobe Stocks.

Suppliers association request Canada government to renew 79 salmon farm licenses

The Canadian Aquaculture Suppliers Association, which includes the BC Salmon Farmers Association and Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance (CAIA), announced line up with the porpuse of pushing up the companies that stock and equip Canada's aquaculture sector.

Also, the association is asking the Government to step back its decision to close all netpen salmon farming in British Columbia's Discovery Islands. This translates to the expiration of 79 remaining salmon farm licenses next June.

On the other side, Joyce Murray, Canada's Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and Canadian Coast Guard (DFO), announced the Canadian government will invest $11.8 million (€10.5 million). This will support First Nations commercial fisheries enterprises and benefit Indigenous communities through the Pacific Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative (PICFI). Nevertheless, she made no comments regarding the renewing of the remaining licenses.
