The European Commission has announced a new call for proposals, funded by the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF), offering €5.7 million in grants to support regional flagship projects aimed at promoting a sustainable blue economy across European sea basins. The funding will support projects focused on Smart Specialisation and Regenerative Ocean Farming, as well as Algae Innovation, the EC said.
This initiative seeks to leverage the vast potential of European seas and coasts for fostering innovation and technological development, aligning with the EU's goals of achieving a sustainable, circular economy and reaching net-zero climate targets.
Smart Specialisation and Innovation in the Sustainable Blue Economy
The first topic covered by the funding encourages projects that build strategic interregional partnerships and develop innovative solutions across fisheries, aquaculture, marine renewable energy, blue biotechnology, and coastal and maritime tourism.
Activities are targeted at the Black Sea, Atlantic, Western Mediterranean Sea, and EU Outermost regions.
Regenerative Ocean Farming and Algae Innovation
Projects under this topic will focus on demonstrating the feasibility and environmental benefits of regenerative ocean farming, including seaweed and shellfish farming, while spurring innovation in the algae sector.
Eligible regions for these projects include the Black Sea, Baltic Sea, North Sea, Atlantic, and Mediterranean Sea basins.
The deadline for proposal submissions is set for 18 February 2025.